
More Than 3 in 5 Home Listings Are Now ‘Stale’ As Record-High Costs Dampen Demand

More Than 3 in 5 Home Listings Are Now ‘Stale’ As Record-High Costs Dampen Demand

More homes are sitting on the market for at least 30 days without going under contract, as homebuying demand falters in the face of high housing costs. More than three in five (61.9%) homes that were on the market in May had been listed for at[...]
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Housing Affordability Is Gen Z’s Top Voting Issue, Outweighing Abortion Rights and the Economy: Redfin Survey

Housing Affordability Is Gen Z’s Top Voting Issue, Outweighing Abortion Rights and the Economy: Redfin Survey

Millennials, Gen Xers and baby boomers all ranked the overall economy as the top issue in their presidential pick. Preserving democracy was more likely than housing affordability to weigh on Gen Xers’ and boomers’ minds. More than[...]
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Housing Markets on Florida’s West Coast Are Cooling Faster Than Anywhere Else in the U.S., With Supply Rising and Demand Falling

Housing Markets on Florida’s West Coast Are Cooling Faster Than Anywhere Else in the U.S., With Supply Rising and Demand Falling

A new-construction boom is contributing to listings surging to pre-pandemic levels on Florida’s west coast, cooling competition during a period when natural disasters and rising insurance costs are already discouraging[...]
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Renters Are Staying Put Longer, With 1 in 6 Now Living in The Same Home For 10 Years or More

Renters Are Staying Put Longer, With 1 in 6 Now Living in The Same Home For 10 Years or More

U.S. renters are less likely to move than they were a decade ago,  as soaring housing costs have priced many out of homeownership. The rise of remote work is another factor leading more people to choose the renting lifestyle, for[...]
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Home Prices Are Falling in 3 Texas Metros and Portland, Oregon as High Rates Cool Demand for the Former Hotspots

Prices are down 3% in Austin, TX, more than any other metro, as near-record housing costs push homebuyers away. Nationwide, price drops are at their highest level since November 2022, suggesting more metros may soon see sale prices[...]
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